Two years ago I got a summons to serve on a Grand Jury. This is not one of these jury-things where you call every week for a month to see if you are to show up. You must go...then a judge will listen to anyone who has an excuse to not serve. I heard everything from 'I have Parkinson's' to 'I don't live here anymore and it would be a six hour drive.' With my severe hearing disability and fibro, I just sat there and thought I could do it. All I asked is that I could sit in the front so I could hear. Every single time I had to go into this claustrophobic, sound proof, air tight room with air conditioners running so we could breathe and ask if I could please sit in the front. I got the ole eye roll...oh, all the rude gestures. The witnesses would sit on a chair and microphone...look away from the jury and talk to the district attorney...finally one day I just said "I cannot hear you!" I got a verbal, embarrassing lashing from the DA. Aterwards, I told the foreman I couldn't do this anymore...between my numb, aching legs and hearing loss I wasn't doing anyone any favors. And I wasn't. She said something like, "You agreed to do this and without you we will not have enough people to vote..." I don't know. I guess there is no point to this except I was told I could serve and sit where I would be comfortable and hear, and the crap I had to deal with every single time was unbelievable. No more jury duty for me.