Hi Rebecca and welcome to the forum. I am sorry to hear of the loss of your mom.
So sorry to hear you have Fibromyalgia and to be diagnosed at such a young age.
Mixed Connective Tissue Disease is an overlap of three autoimmune connective tissue
diseases. Fibromyalgia is not an autoimmune disease. If your mom had Lupus, and
RA, that would be considered an overlap, perhaps she had another CTD, along with
fibromyalgia. MCTD is typically an overlap of Lupus, Scleroderma, and polmyositis.
Fibro has not been classified as an autoimmune disease however there are many
researchers who believe it may be. There hasn't been a antibody connection yet.
I have MCTD. My overlap is Scleroderma, Lupus and in my case RA. Lots of bloodwork is done to determine if you have an autoimmune disease. When you have an autoimmune disease there are specific antibodies found in the blood. These antibodies destroy
healthy cells. In the case of MCTD the antibody is RNP.
Fibromyalgia and Lupus have some common symptoms, fatigue and muscle pain are
the big ones. If you suspect you have Lupus or MCTD you should get a referral to
see a rheumatologist who will do all the necessary bloodwork.
As far as comparing a fibro flare to a Lupus flare, I get burning rashes on my chest and
neck area, when my Lupus is acting up. Every case is differant though.
Hope you can see a good rheumy soon. Sending prayers and gentle hugs.