Robin, I think all of the ppl here are really very strong ppl. We all have chronic pain, fatigue, sleep issues, and then so many other things to throw into the mix. I think we all feel 'weak' at sometime in our lives. But I also think this is when we are showing strength and trust and faith, we are asking others for help. Most of us have always been the type to just do what had to be done, didn't wait for help, just plowed right in. I believe this DD and all the other DD's help us see how interconnected we really are to others. We all need each other. We each have a time in our lives to share our strength w/ others, then also to accept someone else's strength when we are low. We put our faith in each other here to understand and show compassion, and in doing that we find our 'footing' again.
I know it feels good when we can help others, and we are saddened when we are down, but we all need to let that 'excess' steam out. It doesn't mean we are 'weak', but human. I have never liked to cry at bad times, I thought it made me weak. It is still tough for me, but I need that release - I guess everyone does. We let it out in a safe place, HERE, and we are better able to face the rest of the day.
I think we should pick one day and have a massive 'pity party blowout', we can have little party hats, horns, goody-bags, balloons. lol We can all be together and that should lighten our mood.
Having a good cry, isn't weak, but shows good sense. JMHO. Hope you are feeling better.
God bless. Alice.