I don't usually do this but here goes. Tues. I came down with a sore throat, a sure sign for me of an impeding cold. So, I did all my usual natural remedies--echinecea drops. lots of liquids and later in the day elderberry syrup. And whoopee, I woke the next morning with NO sore throat, just a little swelling on the sides of my neck. Wed, Thurs and Fri morningI'm still doing good. Boom, the other shoe drops, the sore throat is back Friday afternoon. To make a long story short, I spent last night sitting in my recliner all night , trying to get some sleep. Yeah right--NOT! I finally gave it up about 5am, sore, achy and not a very happy camper.
I continue with all my remedies, now including chicken soup! But I can see the handwriting on the wall. These colds for me usually go on for 10 days or longer. Rah rah!
Well, enough whinning---I'm going to take a nap---sitting up, of course, lest I start another tickly, coughing jag.