Robin - yes I've had antibody testing for Lupus, Sjogrens, RA - all were negative. The positive ANA, which was significantly elevated, is what gave me the UCTD diagnosis, along with symptoms etc. Initially, the rheumy just confirmed the already confirmed diagnosis of fibro as being additional, but NOT the cause of the ANA. She changed her tune this last visit, and I'm not sure why - she wants me to remain on the Plaquenil, however for the CTD - so it's not like she's undiagnosing the CTD - just saying the +ANA could be from the fibromyalgia.....just doesn't jive with what she'd said over the last 3 yrs or with what I've read. I've not heard of the elisa 8, though.
Gottaski - I've just recently been dx'd w/ the Celiac, and after 6 wks on the GF diet - for the first time in 3 years, my ANA was negative (was tested through a different lab, but still...). Then yesterday, it turned up positive again (rheumy's lab). I wonder if celiac could cause a + ANA - it is an autoimmune disorder. Will have to check into that.
Thanks and have a good weekend!