Perception is pretty nuts sometimes.
I'll have days where I'm really pale, trembly, my walk is way off, and cant get a sentence out without messing it up. My hubby takes one look at me and says go lay down. Oddly enough on some days like that I wont always have a lot of pain and wont even feel that bad. I'll get annoyed because if I'm doing something people will want to do it for me and if I say I'm ok really I get that ya sure ya are look. (I've actually had my mother in law call an ambulance on me even though both my husband and I said I was ok, kind of a funny story but a lil to long to post).
Other days I apparently look fine but I feel beaten, battered, and exhausted. I'll go lay down or wont want to go do something since I feel real bad and ya get that attitude from people of .... well you look fine.......
Always struck me as odd how it works out that way sometimes and I occasionally wish there was some obvious sign people could see to know that no I'm not lying I really am fine, or no I'm not exaggerating it really is a bad day.