Hi everyone. Me again!
Need to vent and get some good advice. Sis said something a few weeks ago and I didn't realize it bothered me so much until I was pulling weeds yesterday and thinking. She is coming tomorrow to visit and I do not want to be upset still when she gets here.
I don't remember the exact words because I make it a rule not to rehearse in my head the mean things people say. If I don't rehears it, I do not get as angry and I forget and forgive more easily and quickly. But apparently this bugs me more than I thought and maybe hearing from others will help me to put it behind me before she comes tomorrow.
We were having a nice conversation and I don't remember what I said, but she turned to me and smiled and said, "but I can walk." then she giggled and looked away. I thought, "ouch, that was kind of rude." but I said nothing. Others were there and I decided to forget it and not let it bug me. So, why does it bug me so much? I know she was joking and it is not a big deal. I need to reframe the incident. but I do not know how. Maybe it is because I am in so much pain today and I am worried about being "weak" tomorrow in front of her. Help me refrain and be gracious tomorrow, please.