Is it possible all her poking ang prodding has made me flare more? I went into her office with a pain level of about a 4. I'm now at an 8 or 9! OUCH! My arm is on fire and I can barely move it and my hip feels like it's broken. Plus all my trigger points are firing like crazy.
Since I have so much pain everywhere, she wants to concentrate on one certain area at a time, starting at my upper torso and up. I have to have an MRI because she believes I may have a rotator cuff injury along with the Fibro. Just great.
Because of my heart failure she can't prescribe alot of the conventional meds. So, she has started me on really low doses of Voltaren Gel, Skelaxin and Nuvigil. Anyone know anything about these?
I'm exhausted from all this. I think I'm going to go to bed.