Hi everyone-
Since getting over a bad case of the flu--last Nov (don't know...if i've written TOO much on this...but i'm gonna post on here in detail)---I came down with this crazy,.& scary set of neuro symptoms--myoclonus...of my muscles...fasciculations...cramping...starting on my back...then spreading ALL over--(arms..legs...back...neck)--I'm talking about ...major...scray neuro symptoms! I thought i had ALS...or MS...or something! But---thank God...(and i DID pray)--I do not!
Got to see 2 really great neuros here in Philly....after I switched Drs...AND hospitals---! They gave me a complete ' neuro workup'...(2 MRIs...brain-cervical spine)...2 emgs...eegs...and blood tests...(for thyroid...& other stuff)--plus..numerous regular neuro exams! everything..."normal".. (except for---what neuro said is expected someone my age...late 50s....lumbar radiculopathy)---
Anyway--both neuros....(one a nationally known specialist on epilepsy...the other...movement disorder)--BOTH told me....what i had was "BFCS"--Benign Fasciculation Cramping Syndrome"-
Don't know what causes it---but often people who have flu etc...often come down w it! They told me...it would eventually resolve...(could not give me a time frame)--I COULDA taken...meds...like 'lexapro'...& Skelaxin...I chose not to--! I'm already on other stuff...(valium...among others)--They said....many neuros feel it is "auto immune related...& it 'overlaps with Fibro...AND CFS-!
Anyway---last month....got accepted to be seen at the prestigious Mayo Clinic...in Rochester Minn---(July 6...the neuro division)---they told me to "expect to spend...5-7 working days there-! See if they come up...with some more detailed answers! (Heck....at least it's JULY...in Minnesota...& not January!
Me & wife made hotel reservations...& hotel has a shuttle which will pick us up at Minn/St. Paul airport...& drive us to...& from Rochester...for $55...r/t--!
OK---now *to my point* re: Fibro ---last few weeks...have gotten very sore ribcage! Feels like I just did a workout! Only hurts...when I move! During the day...it may go away..or 'migrate'...to my lower back-(why does this happen?)--! And...my sleep is very disrupted!
What does help are 2 aspirin...& a hot shower---! (I don't like to take anything real strong!)
To me, (and to my cousin--she is an RN.....& HAS...'fibro')--she feels that is what I have, Fibro! I've also noticed feeling very fatigued...my mind seems.."foggy"...& I forget things! Again....all my studies..(including blood)--a re ...as Drs---say..."unremarkable"-!
**Does this sound like Fibro to you? (esp with the high correlation of fibro...with BFCS--?)
My question(s)...I see my neuro this week---(tues...)--& I'm gonna tell him about it! Should I ask him...for a stronger pain reliever? Or...just wait till I'm seen...by...the "Mayo Clinic Team"?
Like i said...aspirin does work...(or Advil...Motrin)-BUT...i will NEVER take any kind of 'anti-depressant'-! I have 'mitral valve prolapse'...& get supraventicular tachycardias...from time to time!! But...with any kinda SSRI....I get them..BAD!(Drs...AND my cardio say this does happen!)
ONLY med i've taken in the past....for something...was Neurontin...(Gabetin)---! It does not bother me..in any way! Can THAT med...help w fibro pain? (get back on this...w your thoughts on this..& med suggestions!)---
Anyway---Thanks...for reading---regards--Robert