And we're happy you've joined in here! I did add a subject line to your post. That way people who take supplements will notice it and will give you some help. I've tried magnesium/malic acid. After about
6 weeks I hadn't seen any improvement. But I'm going to give it another try once I get a couple of other things settled down inside this body. ;-)
On the question about
taking too many supplements...Yes, you can take to many and they can also be in conflict with prescript
ion medications you may take. Always tell your prescribing doctor about
anything you buy over the counter (non-prescript
ion) and take. Plus, there are some supplements that can build up in your system and have an adverse effect. I'm no expert but I know enough that I would ask a lot of questions before I started to take anything.
Next time you see your doctor tell him about
the fatigue and ask if there's anything he can recommend or prescribe for it. I take something called Provigil that helps but most of my fatigue and sleepiness comes from taking pain medications. There are other medications that can help with fatigue plus some of the B vitamin complex. Some people even get B12 injections that help.
One thing I often suggest to people who are having trouble finding good medical care is to try a university/teaching hospital. The physicians there are out on the cutting edge of technology and research. They take on new patients and often they are ones who are having problems getting help. I found 3 of these institutes in Edinburgh. Here's the list...
* Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh - University of Edinburgh Medical School, University of Edinburgh
* Western General Hospital - University of Edinburgh Medical School, University of Edinburgh
* St John's Hospital, Livingston - University of Edinburgh Medical School, University of Edinburgh
This list came from our Fibro 101 post at the top of the column. In there is this link. There might be a facility closer to you than these but it should would be worth a call if you don't have many doctors in your area who are knowledgeable about
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_university_hospitals#EdinburghKeep us posted and I hope you find some answers...
ps...thanks for that gentle hug! I really needed one today ;-)