Hello little Dorky Dinosaur (I love your real handle, but couldn't resist this!),
Glad you found us! There are many here who were probably in your same shoes one day...it's amazing what happens when you experience something that you thought didn't really exist!
I've had Fibro for probably 30 years now...my other chronic pain issues are far more recent. For a long time, I went thru dealing with Fibro as a single mom, then I was married to a man who thought I was just lazy, and didn't hesitate to say so. Fast forward to now, 20 years later. I am married to a fantastic man who treats me like a Queen and sometimes has to be told to back off a bit and let me do something, so I don't turn into Jabba the Hut!
Seriously, I think having a loving supportive partner is a key element in dealing with this long term. Even if you're single, having family members or friends who support you is a huge advantage to managing. I'm lucky in that my kids are grown and gone, so it's just Ray and I at home. He takes care of most of the cooking, pretty much all of the cleaning (I sweep the floors and dust, he does everything else), all of the laundry and generally anything else that needs doing. I am on long term disability and in addition to everything else I have going on, chronic fatigue is a huge problem for me, so I spend a lot of time resting or sleeping.
Pacing yourself is one of the best things you can do...only you know how much you can do before your body starts to protest. So what if there are dust bunnies in the house...people who come to see you are there to visit and if they don't like it, they're welcome to pick up a broom and sweep.
Seriously, listen to your body, pace yourself, eat well, do some gentle exercising, get a good night's sleep (use a Warm Buddy if you need to) and don't be afraid to ask for help. If you're not on something to help you medication wise, you may want to ask your doctor for something. Many here take Lyrica or Savella or Cymbalta - you'll find something that hopefully works for you.
Good luck to you, glad you're here and hope to hear more from you soon.