Ok, I have a question for everyone. Is it possible to say have mini-flares? Or would you just consider those bad days? The reason I am asking is because I guess part of me must of thought that I had this whole fibro thing under control until last night and this morning.
Let me back up a step here. I have pain all the time, although it is manageable now with my pain meds. I have had some days the last few months that I assumed were flares because the pain would become alot harder to manage and new aches and pains erupted at times too. But for the most part I was doing pretty well and had begun to finally be ok with my diagnosis. Well as ok as we can be. Let's just say that most of my fear had started to subside.
As some of you know my sister (Antbuggey) was just diagnosed with RA. She was in a really bad flare and was in alot of pain. I felt so bad for her and was really worried, so maybe part of it was distraction. Not that I focus on having fibro 24/7 but, well you all know. Anyway, last night I started feeling pretty bad and was pretty convinced I was getting the flu or something. Took my meds and went to bed.
Fast forward to 4:30 this morning, woke up and got out of bed and as soon as my feet hit the floor I almost did too! I hurt soooo bad! Everything and everywhere and I could barely walk. All of a sudden it all came flooding back to me, This is what had brought me to the doctor's in the first place! This was the pain I was having months ago almost all the time. So my question is What the heck happened? I am assuming that I am in a bad flare, so what was it all the other times? I mean the pain got worse then, but not like now.
Do any of you experience this? Is it normal? Does an actual flare kick you in the teeth like it did me? Are they all considered flares and some just worse then others? I am just trying to figure this all out, so I know what to expect. I really didn't do anything to cause it, like over do something. The times that I did over do something is when I got the mini flares (well I thought they were regular flares) I have no idea what caused this, so I guess I'm just scared now that for some reason my flares are all going to be horrible now. I kind of feel like mentally I am back to square one. I am sorry for the long, whiney post. I am just pretty freaked out now!
I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and having low pain days. Any responses will be much appreciated...Take care.