Hi everyone, I have not been on here for a long time and I need to know what I can do about
the pain in my ankles and knees, it hurts so bad when I get up in the morning I can hardly walk, I know this gal at church that's in a wheel chair and she has fibro and she got to where it was to hard for her to walk has anyone ells had pain in this area??? Please let me know I see my Doc. tomorrow at 8am and maybe I can tell him.
Please answer this post and let me know, I know the Fibro is getting worse and being a man and husband it's not easy to take. My wife feel I should do all the house work because she has a full time job and I'm at home all day and it is getting so hard to keep up.
When I do take some extra morphine it speeds me up and I work my butt off then the next day I crash big time, Life is a pain in the,, everywhere.