Just Grace, I am posting your post here so people will see you are new. Welcome to the forum!
Hi. I'm new here. As a matter of fact, I just found this forum today while searching for more information about my fibro, meds and some other issues I've had going on recently.
I was dx'd with fibro 2 years ago now, though I believe I have been dealing with it for over 10.
When I was first dx'd both what I was told by my doc and what I had read in medical infor ALL said fibro was NOT progressive. My fibro has gotten worse over the last 2 years despite the rx's added and learning what I can and cannot do in the course of my day. I asked my doc to please explain to me how and why my fibro was getting worse... to the point when it's really bad I cannot walk across the room.
Her explanation was fibro is not considered a progressive diease because it does not actually harm the bones or muscles, despite the pain we might be feeling. She continued on to say, yes, fibro can become more debilitating and get worse.
Not exactly happy news, but at least I felt I had a bit of understanding and in a strange way, it made me feel better