Does anyone else have issues with their thyroid?
Sorry, I have felt like crap lately and haven't been around.
My BIL that is really more like a real brother to me is having his entire stomach removed this friday. He has over 100 tumors in his stomach and at this point we still don't know if it's cancer or not.
So I'm stressed out and not feeling good at all.
I have no energy and don't feel like doing anything.
I haven't walked in a week. My legs hurt so bad last night I could have cried and I couldn't sleep.
Then my stomach is hurting and am having spasms in my chest.
I go for my regular check up in Sept and with the blood work my dr had to check for elevated THS levels .
I looked that up and this is what I found.
I have almost everyone of those symptoms.
I printed a copy of this off to take to my doctor in sept.
Also, if I could please ask for prayers for my BIL
I would really appreciate it.
Hugs and Blessings to all.