Hi my name is Wendy and I'm 33 yo. I have been in extreme pain since March and am on my 2nd dr to try and get a diagnoses of fibro. My first dr did a full blood panel gave me pain killers and when the blood came back normal he said he didn't know how to help me and just conintued to give me pain killers. When i suggested fibro he said maybe but that's it.(from what i've read fibro can not be found in a blood test)
So I went to my 2nd dr last week and of course the first thing she said was well it must be depression. I was so discouraged because I've been doing the reading and research. i have 14 of the 18 points of pain, hot flashes, fatigue, you name it i have it. I brought up fibro and she said that was a quitters disease only if they didnt find something would they dx me with that. Yet she put me on cymbalta and tramadol. She also took another full blood panel
Well I had my follow up today which I was so unsure of. I was going to make sure she listened to me and understood that no the reason I could not get out of bed was not because of depression but because it hurt so bad and the fact that no one would listen to me was causing me depression. Imagine my surprise when her PA came in instead of her.
She started off with the depression and when i told her how I felt she stopped and really lsitened. I told her I knew that the dr didn't believe in fibro but I felt this is what i have.She said I was right that the dr didn't believe it and her herself didn't know where she sat on it. Yet after looking over my weekly journal( I keep one for day and night of symptoms and meds) she told me to quit taking the cymbalta since it was making me so fatigued, and wanted me to try savella which she told me is a fibro med.
It's so frustrating why won't any dr just dx me. When i told her about being on pain killers since march she said so were they not working? I was like no they work but I want to know WHY I'm in pain! She also referred me to a nuero. Yet she also said she was going to do some research.I hope this Savella works that we can get somewhere with this
Anyways like I said I'm 33 the mother of 4 which I homeschool I just got remarried in April and I'm also an online student.I feel so bad because we have not had a normal marriage yet. My husband is very good but as much as i tell him it hurts he thinks just holding me will make me feel better....not even close! My poor kids come up and touch me to get my attention and sometimes i scream. I've been so tired this week I've only laid in bed. I've had problems keeping up in class. I already dropped classes in July hoping in a month I could figure something out.Luckily if needed I can teach the kids from bed.
Thank you for letting me vent and intro myself. I'll be reading a bunch around here.