Hello everyone! its been a really long time since I've been here. I'm doing fine, gotten busy with work and building my own non-profit. It's very exciting work! Its scary as can be but I am happy. Took a long trip downunder this summer and did very well. My stamina is growing all the time and I am stronger than ever. I do, however, have a strange challenge. I refilled my Cymbalta 5 days ago; I took one pill, and promptly LOST the bottle. I can't find it and I can't refill it. SO while I hunt for samples, I am in withdrawal and feeling really strange. Is there anything you can recommend or suggest I do in the meantime? Is withdrawal BAD, or just feel bad? Is it dangerous, or just icky while I detox? I need some straight talk
. I hope everyone is doing ok and I plan to catch up with everyone. Its been too long and I need this forum.