Hi, Vannie, and welcome! I'm so glad you found us and joined in. I think you will like it here.
I talked about the fibro fog on SoIGotIBD's thread so be sure to go back and read that. The best thing to do with fibro fog is have a good sense of humor. Don't let it upset you or it seems to get worse! I think stress makes my memory worse. We do keep lists and write things down. But, you should still be able to work. We have many members that work so try to relax about it. I know it can be frightening at first. I thought I had Alzheimer's!
Here is a good site to help you know you are not alone with fibro fog!
Be sure to check out Fibro 101...the first thread on the forum. There are links to good information about fibro and you will learn a lot.
I'm glad you joined our family and I am looking forward to getting to know you. I hope to hear more from you soon.