Any kind of big change (even a short one like a vacation) can bring on anxiety for me too. I'm leaving for Disney World this Saturday, and I'm hoping the anxiety bug will pass me by this time.
Plane ride, being away from home, worrying about
all of my health problems, pain, sleeping in a strange bed, overstimulation, even just a change in schedules can bring it on when I'm dealing with a vacation. And the preparation is also really stressful for a control freak like me. Wouldn't it be nice to just be able to throw a few things in a backpack and be set to go?
I know for me, having so many health issues makes it more difficult to travel; I have to carry a mini-pharmacy with me, including a heating pad, ear plugs, lots of meds, etc.
I hope your anxiety goes down to a comfortable level. I always find that progressive relaxation helps. If you have trouble sleeping and don't have a prescript
ion sleep med or any conditions/medications that prevent you from using it, you might consider benadryl at night. It has the same ingredients that you find in some OTC sleep aids. I find it somewhat helpful.
Have a wonderful vacation, and remember (as I will try to, too), it's just anxiety, and it can't hurt you.
Hugs - Austen