Has anyone else ever had this kind of pain? I also have lupus so I have intense hip, and ankle pain - but mostly severe knee pain. However - when it gets bad it starts with my lower legs between my knee and ankle - just feels like my bones are being crushed into pieces...then moves up to my upper legs. The pain is so aweful and feels like theyre bruised all over. It's not the same fibro pain I get in my back or that muscle pain I'm used to but just feels like the bone pain is horrific. I don't know if its more related to the lupus - but folks seem to think its more to do with fibro...almost like shin splints times 300. I take 4 10 mg percocets per day and when its this bad it only makes my head foggy but does NOTHING for the pain...not even close. I use heat which helps a bit and ended up in the ER once for it and they gave me IV Diluadid which would last about
45 minutes and then I was back to writhing in pain. Of course they couldn't give me more for 2-3 more hours. So of course after 11 hours there...they increased some of my Lupus meds, increased my steroids and increased my savella to 150 mg per day.
Does this sound familiar to anyone?? I take vitamin D supplements but they are still most likely oing to do a density scan...the pain is just horrible combined with the already stabbin joint pain from the lupus...blah...thanks in advance!