Yes I give up, my GP tels me to go home and rest my body was tired from all the pain. Not a problem, I just walk into our house and tell everyone for trhe next to weeks I am on bed rest.
Ok you can guess it, they where good but I just could not do nothing.
It has gotten worse now, I have no energy at al just writing this is tiring me out, pain relief what is that I am now so bad getting out of bed I walk into thngs because the pain is so bad on each side.
When I first became sick they believed I had Ross River Fever, it is a debliting illness that csn last for weeks or years. When I See my GP next week I will ask for a blood test to chech it out.
I am helping my son by doing some of his housse work, I a doing the wash wwell maybe. After the seconr load put in the washing machine aia climber up the steps. I am so glad it is a front loader and takes so long to do a load of washing
Fibro, CFS, IBS, Migraine