Hi, Ninjachick, and welcome! I took your email link out of your post. Anyone in the world can see it and it can cause you a heap of problems so we edit it out. BUT, you can put it in your profile and any members of HealingWell can see it there and email you.
You do have a dilemma. I didn't realize that they stopped Xyrem for fibro. It is like the date rape drug and also is easily abused and that is why. I found this link about it that might help you and other members understand why this was done.
If I were you, I'd talk to my GP. I see an Internist for my fibro. I would explain that it really has helped you sleep better and so you are feeling better, too. The sleep issues with fibro are one of the symptoms. We don't get in the REM sleep where our bodies begin to heal. Many fibromites have sleep apnea, too, and use a CPAP machine and that helps them. So, your primary care physician might be able to help you out.
It might be an insurance issue, too. If' it's not to be used for fibro, you might not be able to get it and have to try something else. We all seem to be very sensitive to medications. I know I am but if I had that big of a problem, I'd try things that I could get. I'd probably cut the pills in half or something like that. I put myself on a sleep schedule and that helps me some. I still wake up many times during the night but I seem to get enough sleep that I'm not totally exhausted when I wake up.
I hope you can get some satisfactory answers to your problem. Be sure to check out Fibro 101...the first thread on the forum. There is a ton of information in there and you will learn a lot.
I'm glad you found us and joined in. Don't hesitate to ask questions because we are here to help you. I hope to hear more from you soon.