Simplistic, I'm so sorry you are having this much pain. Have you tried the things some do...gentle exercises, stretching exercises, malic
acid/magnesium supplements, vitamin D3 supplements, hot showers or baths, and of course moist heat? I do all of the above, along with ibuprofen with food and extra strength Tylenol. This keeps my pain managable. If I let my pain go, it can take days to get it back under control so you really have to be vigilant. I sure hope you start to get some relief, soon.
You ARE bless to have such a wonderful son. My three children totally understand, too, because I developed this illness when they were little. They are used to seeing me gimp around the house and they somehow know when I'm really having a bad time because they ask me how I feel. I don't talk about my pain usually. My children are all adults now and on their own but just knowing that they understand is wonderful. I'm blessed, too.
I can't take Percocet. I had major surgery and when they took me off the morphine pump, they put me on Percocet. It would knock me out and I would have the craziest dreams! I would wake up right about the time I needed my next dose, too, so I was basically sleeping my life away. So, when I wrestled Roy Rogers in my hospital bed...and won...I KNEW i had to get off that drug!
We are all sooo different in what our bodies can tolerate!