I'm lucky to have a very supportive husband. My daughter is
grown and married and living in another state.
How many times do we consider how much life has changed for our family?They may be feeling some anger and resentment because they have more responsibilities. It can be hard to feel empathy and be supportive if you are angry.
When I realized I could no longer do everything like I used to, I told my hubby how frustrated I was and how angry it made me feel. He knew he had to start picking up my slack. I kept telling him how appreciative I was that he was helping. He has never complained and I think he knows that by helping out, I'm able to enjoy other activiies with him.
I think it is important to acknowledge everyones feelings and be as honest and open with eachother.
Yes, we are the ones with the chronic pain, but I think our spouses have to struggle with some painful emotions too. Their lives have changed . I try to make an effort to be thankful and appreciative whenever I can. Those who help us do deserve to hear it.
Hugs, Robin