Hello to All,
Just heads up. I went to see a new Rheumatologist seeing that the one I currently had was doing nothing for me not even listening. This new Rheuma MD was kind and he listened to my pain. He sent for a series of test and put me on prednisone 10mg for only 10 days to decrease my inflammation since I was in so much pain with FM when I went to see him. Although I had to stop the Prednisone today because I just found out I have to go in a couple of weeks for a left breast biopsy and I need to be off steroids for now. At this time, the new RA doc told me that I may have symptoms of not just FM but also RA. He said not always does RA show up on the blood work. He stated based on my symptoms I can still have RA and not necessarily show on my blood. I will know more when I see him on 1/31st. He will address what will be the best treatment for me regardless of what it is. I have a lot going on, but I have been dealing with health issues since 2008 so I am kind of getting use to it. I have God on my side and I am sure he will take care of all. Thanks for listenining and have a great day.