Hey, all,
I thought I should check in and give you all an update. I am kinda in the best worst spot of my life. A lot going on right now.
First, I don't feel well right now. Super tired, feel like I have to wake from a coma every morning. Little ambition.
Long story short here, I've been on Mobic for a month and I think I've figured it doesn't agree with me. So, I quit taking it. I guess that was my fault. I thought "It's an anti-inflammatory, what harm could it cause?" Silly me negelected to look up the side effects and after developing nearly every one, THEN I looked them up and realized why I ~think~ I am in a bad physical spot right now. And sure wish someone could have told me I'd have withdrawal symptoms. I feel like POOH. In case you weren't aware of withdrawal symptoms, I found a blog with many complaining of just that thing.
Second, my dad was in just about terrible poor health. But, we think we've figured a trick to help him get some relief. So, I've actually been able to spend some time at MY house with my HUSBAND . But best part, hearing my dad isn't feeling "all that bad." I won't go into detail about his WORST problem (in his opinion) but we'll say he's 80 and it deals with frequent restroom trips. The solution to his problem isn't a fix, so that's why I called it "the trick". Makes me happy knowing my dad (and subsequently my mom) is/are doing better.
Thrid, I am going to get to head to Florida (it looks anyway) with my mom and dad. For a while there it wasn't looking like his health was going to hold up well enough. But due to said trick metioned in the above paragraph, we will get to go. We leave on February 6th (Superbowl Sunday UGH!! I'll miss my Steelers winning the superbowl!!) but I hope to develope a lifetime of memories of a wonderful vacation with my parents which God only knows how much longer I'll have them.
Forth, we went to visit the school we ~thought~ we wanted our daughter to go to. Now we are SURE we want her to go there. She got to meet the woman who might be her new teacher and my daughter asked "Can I start tomorrow?" She LOVED it there. She's been home with me for the last year and has grown VERY attached to me. I've been dreading the day I have to leave her at school but she SWEARS she's READY!!
And last but not least I GOT A JOB INTERVIEW!!!! Will schedule it for some time next week. Like that one song says "I"ve got a feeling, that tonight's gonna be a good good night!!" well, think this job is just what I've been looking for. The woman is VERY flexible in regards to needing time off for family/health issues. At this point in my life, I really really need someone who's understanding.
That's it in a nut shell. I've missed y'all. I really need to catch up on reading posts but I am too tired now :-(. Oh, and the advice of my own I followed (since that IS the topic of my post), I was so tired today that I just wanted to sleep some more. But I baby stepped it. I got up, walked our hall several times. Stretched. Did some jumping jacks. Basically got my blood moving slowly and I kinda got myself woke up enough to be a little productive. Now I feel REALLY beat!!