erieislander, you could be walking in my shoes right about
now. I have already had a second mamogram and an ultrasound on my right boob in 3 weeks time. In my case the first mamo found the dense mass.
I also had an ultrasound on my thyroid. I see the ENT doc on Monday. I had cysts on both sides of mt thyroid.
I also had a hysterectomy. I was 39 and took the hormone pills for maybe a year but they took me off because of raised liver enzymes. I then used a prescription gel that rubbed on my arm, it worked great.
It got so hard to tell what was causing my hot flashes......lack of hormones, Hepatitis C, different meds and who knows what else. I still get sweats of sorts and haven't figured out a solution other than layers. And the emotional stuff uh, hmm err.....I can't think of what to write about the emotional stuff