Hi Jaimee...
Glad you found is over here in our little Cul de Sac on Healing Well...lol Gosh, it really stinks to have so many things going wrong and the worst part, in my opinion is not knowing what you are fighting.
But is does sound like you have a thorough medical team on your side so they'll begin to have answers soon. Even if they can't pinpoint it yet I'm going to assume they can treat your symptoms. With fibro that's as much as they can do anyway. Since they don't know exactly the 'what, where, why or when' of fibro it's hard to target a treatment let alone a cure. But all of the wonderful members of this Fibro family are living proof that we can life a good life in spite of it all.
OK, I see you wrinkling up your face at me..
If the people here are living a good life, why does most everything you read sound like suffering, venting and complaining? Because who in their right mind logs on to a forum just to tell everyone how wonderful their life is with fibro!
Seriously... sure, we share some of the good times but we need support when times are hard. It's one of those things that's so obvious that we often miss it. I think when each person joined it was because we were frightened, lonely and needed the companionship of someone else who understood exactly how we felt. Once we began talking and listening to others' ideas we began to help the next new person who came in hurting and suffering. It's how we are. Oh, there are a few who only complain but that's rare and usually there are some problems other than fibro.
So hang on and try to help yourself relax. Try soothing baths complete with bubbles, candles and music. Threaten anyone's life who even considers touching that bathroom door while you are in there! I too am diabetic and have been on insulin for many years and my eyes look like someone who's never had high blood sugars ever! Trouble comes more often that we'd prefer so if you find yourself thinking the worst I want you to do me one favor. Think of one of your favorite mod in the fibro forum....let's say.....Sherrine! Close your eyes and picture a beautiful blue ocean with puffy white clouds overhead. It's a warm day and everyone is in the latest swimsuit fashions. Imagine that there a fun event going on, people gathering down on the dock, laughter and the flash of camera gets everyone's attention. What in the world is going on, you wonder. Low and behold you see Sherrine right in the middle of it of the crowd in her hot pink and purple swimwear, hair perfectly coiffed and makeup in place perfectly. And what is she doing??? Kissing a dolphin!!~~ on Porpoise!
It's all true, just ask her! Well, maybe not the color of her bathing suit and the makeup might have been exaggerated a bit but the rest is true...right Sherrine???
Chutz <---running for cover