Exhausted is more like it. I'm here whining because I know you all know what I'm talking about
. I've been 'sleeping', but I can't seem to get enough lately. I think I am pretty well off with the fibro thing so far, and am not always convinced that is my issue. lol. Denial is a wonderful thing. This horrible exhaustion, however, is kicking my butt!!
An even bigger kicker? Tomorrow I have to take my Dad to the hospital for a procedure, and it will be an all day thing. I'm already exhausted and achey, hurting far more than usual and tomorrow I have to get up early and do the hospital thing. :( It's not that I don't WANT to go, but I don't FEEL like going... you are the only ones who understand what I'm saying.
Anyway, I am thankful that I am able to take my Dad and be there for him. I took Friday off of work to recover, so I'm sure it will be a temporary thing.
Thanks for letting me whine. I'm off to pick up a book and a couple of magazines to keep me company tomorrow. Any suggestions on dealing with this exhaustion would be much appreciated!