Hello everyone my name is Gina, I have been diganoised with Fibro last year and for me it was kind of a relief. Because for years I have felt that I was just crazy.
It started about 12 yrs ago when I was 30 I started having all this pain my pain tolerance is very high and I usually bounce back from things and just go on because I feel that I have no other choice. I am always in some sort of pain so I am use to it at this point. It is now the other things that go hand in hand with this disease that are plauging me now.
I have been recently diganoised with TMJ and have been to an ear specialist and have the ringing in my ears that they are saying is because I am clenching my jaw but after reading more I found that it is common with fibromyalgia. I have been having issues with restless legs to the point of having to get up and walk around and stretch in order to sleep. I have IBS with constipation and yesterday I had a colonoscopy and an EGD to see if there was anything else and there is not so it is just the Fibro. I have had a day and night sleep study done because of my excessive fatigue and they only came up with excessive sleepiness, not knowing then it was fibro. I also have Over Active Bladder Syndrome and am on enablex for that. All the side things that happen to the body for which I don't really understand.
I have moments where I have extreme pain where I can't get out of bed but that is not as much thank God, just constitant pain and it is livable until someone tries to touch me. If I approach them I am ok but the surprise stuff just hurts.
I have tried flexril and that just makes me more sleepy. I have been on Cymbalta and I got myself off of it after a year. First of all the cost was extreme I couldn't afford it, second of all it is NOT a good drug when you try to get off of it, it is like going through withdrawl from cocaine. The dizziness, the sick feeling it is HORRIBLE and I will never go back on that again. I am now trying more of a natural way of eating better and taking supplements.
Anyone else trying this?? I am now talking Omega 3 fish oil, and Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 looking into grape seed oil and a Nature's choice daily vitamin packs. I am going to the gym 5 to 6 days a week working on the tredmill and some weight, I do tanning bed too for the warmth. But I am done with things like Cymbalta, Lyrica, Savalla until there comes a time where I can not stand it any longer I won't put those in my body.
My biggest problem is that I wish there was a way to make my family understand I can't do everything? I am not making up being tired and needing naps. I am not lazy, that I do need help. They really don't seem to understand this disease and I am not sure how to explain it to them anymore then I already have. Anyone have this problem too? What do you do?
I am glad I found this message board, I work in a hospital at the nurses station on the medical surgerical floor as the Ward Clerk, nice thing is this board is not blocked by their security so I can check in at work. Glad to find a place where I fit in.