Marilyn, I definitely don't do things like Disney World every day! That would be impossible. But when I need or want to do something, I do it and also find ways around fibro to do things, too. I ask myself what I can do to make this easier on myself. Of course, pacing myself pops in my mind.
I needed to spread mulch in my gardens this year and didn't have the money to hire someone to do it. I'm not spring chicken either! I'm 64 years old. Anyway, I got the mulch and dug in. It took me about 1 1/2 - 2 weeks to spread the mulch because I had 99 bags of it! But I did a little each morning. I would be sore but then when I got busy the exercise made the pain less. Of course, when I was totally done, I was quite sore for about a week but all I had to do was look out into my gardens and a big smile would come on my face...still does! It was well worth it and I love patting myself on the back when I do stuff like this. I'm not helpless.
When going places, I am sure to take the ibuprofen and Tylenol on time. Actually, when I went to Disney World, instead of taking one of them every three hours, I took one or the other every two hours. Just for that one day. That helped me and I figured taking a tad more for just one day wouldn't hurt me and it didn't. (It worked out to be one extra dose of each.) Now, if I were taking narcotics for the pain, I couldn't do that.
When going on things that require bus rides, I have a lumbar support pillow that you can blow up to the size you need. Buses hurt my back a lot. (All the sitting and not being able to get up makes me sooo stiff and in a lot of pain.) When all the air is out of it, it fits nicely in my purse. I also do the gentle stretching exercises during the day...whether or not I'm at home or traveling. This helps keep my muscles stretched. Walking helps too. You've heard that a lot from me.
When the opportunity came up to parasail, I did question myself for a few moments. I wasn't so concerned "taking off" but I was concerned about when they reel you in! I have a bad back and an ostomy that I had to consider. But I have always wanted to try that so I signed up and went with it. I was magnificent! It was like I was flying. I was in Jamaica at the time and was "flying" over the island and the gorgeous Caribbean. WOW! Then, when they were reeling me back in, I was a little apprehensive but said a little prayer and trusted that I would have a smooth landing and I sure did. There was nothing to it! Now see, if I worried about everything, I would have missed this experience.
I find when I go places, I'm happy to be out, love talking to people and seeing new things and eating new foods. It's a pleasure for me. It sure beats sitting at home all of the time! AND I don't notice the pain as much. Of course I have pain. That goes with the territory. But, I'll have pain if I go places and I have pain if I stay at home. So, I'd rather get out and enjoy life. I just don't dwell on the pain. I don't ask myelf how I feel or if I'm in a lot of pain. I guess I push it to the back of my mind. When I head out the door I never think, "Will this cause me more pain?" Nope! When I head out the door, I am anticipating a good time and truly look forward to it.
A positive attitude really is so important. I never look at the glass as half empty. I always look at the blessings and the good things around me. Yes, we all have problems and I sure have had my share, but still...there are far more good things in my life than bad things so that's what I focus on. Just doing this, lifts my spirits, makes me happy, and guess what? I'm not in as much pain because I'm not stressing myself. I'm at peace.
I hope I've explained sufficiently what I do. It's hard to explain. I, of course, have a very strong faith in God and I truly believe I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. This is one of the thoughts that gives me the happiness and the positive attitude that helps me defeat fibro. YES!