Hi Neeters,
I am not sure if I have had the pleasure of saying hello to you? I may have so if I did excuse me, I'm in Fibro Fog City these days.
Everyone is different, some people that do that pain medication from their doctors don't report any relief, and some do. A good amount of people here use natural vitamins and minerals, warm baths, soaks, heating matress pad, those types of things to ride out the flares and pain. Some people feel really strong about not wanting narcotic medication, I really commend the ones that can go it without. Personally, I delt with my rheumy until she just did not seem to be able to manage my pain very well, she sent me to a Pain Management Specialist, and he has worked out a combination that works for the most part. I'm no doctor, that is for sure, but around here, it seems like a large amount of primary doct's and rhuemy's don't like to give a lot of pain medication. I did have a PM (Pain Mgmt) doctor that said I didn't need any pain meds because he felt that fibro patients don't benefit from it.
Well, he obviously was not talking to me. With out med's I would not be able to work every day. But again, that is just me.
-Hope you can find relief soon!!