Hi Puppylover,
Thanks for drawing attention to this video. I never would have watched it if you hadn't posted about it. I had a little trouble hearing it at first, but I totally get what's being said. The woman is right about the increase in toxins in our foods from dyes, I will add that flavor enhancers (these are neurotoxins and they have 30 different names, the most common of which is MSG--see Blaylock's book on Excitotoxins), artificial sweeteners (see the documentary Sweet Remedy), GMOs (see Jeff Smith's books & the documentary The Future of Food), and hydrogenated oils (see the documentary Ingreedients--Crisco was the first) are also in our food supply today and are also problematic. We are being treated as guinea pigs by the food industry. The Asians are "watching the American children" to see what effects our altered foods have on us before they decide to adopt them as part of their diet.
I learned of the gut's importance to the immune system at an Autism conference. There is a strong connection between the health of the gut and the health of the rest of the body. If food is not digested properly, toxins abound in the gut, and that causes three problems: they get into the blood and lymphatic systems, and, as this woman mentioned, the liver cannot keep up, so it begins storing toxins throughout the body, causing fibro symptoms (often Candida plays a role in this toxicity by releasing neurotoxic aldehydes).
The woman also mentioned the role of nightshades in fibro. I learned this first-hand when 16 months ago I had a bizarre neurological reaction to a meal of beef, bell peppers, and some greenish (on the outside) potatoes, which I peeled and cooked. I began searching the internet, thinking that perhaps the green on the potatoes was somehow responsible even though I peeled it off. Turns out it was. It's an indicator of high solanine content in the potato. Peeling it off doesn't change the solanine content. Solanine acts like a pesticide (neurotoxin) on the body, and it accumulates over time. Norman Childers was the first to make this connection when cattle grazing on potato fields were coming down with arthritis. I now have a sensitivity to nightshades. Whenever I eat one, I get burning eyes and arthritic joint pain within 24 hrs. But I tested negative for arthritis. If I don't eat nightshades, I don't have that pain. They're hard to avoid, and I have to also be off gluten and dairy, among other things due to my messed up gut. I'm currently working on the gut issues right now, so I hope to see improvement, at least with the rediculous things like vinegar and nut oils.
Long story short--it sounds like the Cliff's Notes version is: food additives and altered foods cause the body to become toxic, which in turn causes fibro in some people. I must add that I do not believe this is the only way people get fibro--it can be caused by the release iflammatory cytokeines after soft tissue damage occurs say in a car accident, etc.
Thanks for posting this thread!