I haven't posted in awhile but I wanted to ask if anyone has felt this before. I don't have the burning sensation on my skin, well only one time during a bad flare, but generally I don't. I do however have I guess referred nerve pain, I don't know what to call it. For instance, today I was laying on the couch watching a movie with my family and was just gently rubbing the bottom of my leg on the side and that made my foot and upper thigh react with nerve pain. I don't know if the signal gets mixed up or my nerves are irritated when I do this, but it happens on any part of my body. I mean not all the time, but alot of times. Once I stop it stops. Anyone ever have this? And also if I sit for lets say 30 mins or so when I get up my joints ache!! I have been trying to walk on my treadmill which is going ok, just can't do it everyday. I stay active as I can, and then some days I have to take a quick nap. OH one more question. lol sorry. I know repetative actions hurt, esp sweeping the floor or such, does anyone just get muscle pain just holding up a newspaper to book to read. I think when I have my muscles constricted for to long they fight back, lol. They run out of steam quick.
Anyway, hope all is well.