I am in the middle of a really bad flare at present and my GP does not believe in giving pain killers for someone with Fibro.
I know it was brought on by lack of sleep. just trying to walk on the soles of my feet has me in tears.
Next Thursday I see him and do not know how to get through to him that the sleeping meds he gave me DO NOT work he gave me a fancy name for them but when I picked the up from the chemist he gave me the gernaric ones and they have never worked for me and I have had them a number of times over the years.
I was sort of enjoying life again with out too much pain when I was sleeping well, but now the pain has gone off the chart I am back to where the clothes touching me hurts.
I have no idea how to get him to help me, changeing GP's is out of the question because of the lack of GP'S just having one is great let alone finding a new one.
i seem to have come up against a brick wall with it all, unless I tell him I am depressed then maybe he will give me some help. He loves to send people to have surgery but that is it.