I have always been an advocate of walking...it is so good for fibromites. It is such a wonderful stress reliever and it really helps with allover health.
Lately, I have been having some trouble with my endurance due to feeling weaker and short of breath. I know this is due to heart disease, my right ventricle has become stiff and thickened(diastolic dysfuntion) which makes my heart have to work harder to pump blood out to my body. My heart and lungs are being affected by systemic autoimmune disease. Right now my lung function is still adequate and I don't need oxygen, my pulmonary hypertension is still considered mild.
It is frustrating not to be able to exercise the way I want and even doing my deep breathing exercises have been more challenging. The things that have helped me have been difficult. I am stubborn and will continue to try to do my best...I do have the will...I just wish the way was easier :)
I want to encourage you all to start walking if you have not already..it really does help! Thanks for letting me vent, I think I'll go and get some cheese to go with my whine