I've been on Savella for over two years now, it took a couple of couple of months before it kicked in...and I did notice some beneficial changes. It was not the miracle med I had hoped for...it did not take all my pain or fatigue away, but there was some improvement.
Since I've started the Savella, I've had med changes due to my other health issues and added more meds due to added diseases. I'm to the point where I don't know what med is working and what one isn't. How do you know if a med has stopped working?
I do know that some of my meds potential side effects are the same as the symptoms they are supposed to treat and that some meds mixed together aren't the best combo. All my doctors know what the other doc has me on. It is my rhuemy who monitors all my bloodwork to make sure my metabolic pannel is not messed up.
I love all my docs...but sometimes I wonder if medicine is part educated guessing and part trial and error
Wondering should I ask my rheumy about weaning off Savella or have him increase the dosage....I'm confused
Hugs, Robin