Hi, Jaden, and welcome! I'm so glad you found us and joined in. We do have a great group of members and I think you will like it here.
Karen gave you great advice about counseling. You mentioned there were several things that upset you. The best advice I can give you is to take one day at a time and not project yourself in the future. Stress and anxiety just make the pain worse with fibro. The counseling could help de-stress you, too.
Holding all the animosity in is so bad for you and it doesn't solve any problems either. It sounds like you have had a lot of hurtful things happen to you and even at the hand of your mother. That is really sad. I'm so sorry this has happened to you.
This probably will sound very strange to you but I do believe in prayer and so I pray for my "enemies". I had one person who was so deceitful and hateful and tried to destroy my friendship with another person. Of course, I wanted to wring her neck! The things she did were horrible and I actually had to force myself to pray for her and to pray that I could forgive her. It was tough but the more I did this, the more peace I had and I eventually I was able to forgive her. She is NOT a part of my life anymore but I don't have that hatred and animosity for her either. The stress over her is gone and I'm at peace with this and happy, too. So, if you are a praying person, you might even try this. The calmness will help with the pain you are having.
You do need to keep moving with fibro. If you sit or lay too long, you will be stiff as a board. There are some good stretching exercises in Fibro 101 that do help. I also have a daily gentle exercise that I do. I walk daily and sometimes swim. Both of these are good for fibro. Yoga is another good one. If you live in a cold climate, you can get walking-in-place videos to do in your home. The one I have I use for only 15 minutes and it's equivalent to walking a mile.
Pacing yourself is also good. Everything will get done but in a different time frame. Moist heat is wonderful. I feel so much better after a hot shower. Many here have a Bed Buddy. You can find these at Walgreen's and other places or you can make your own by taking a tube sock, filling it 2/3's full of raw long grain rice and tying a know at the end. Pop this in the microwave and it gives off moist heat due to the moisture in the rice.
I'm deficient in vitamin D3 and I take 5,500 IU a day, counting the D in my calcium supplements and my multiple vitamin. I take 1,200 mg of calcium with D, too. I also take malic acid/magnesium supplements and they have helped me and others on this forum with pain and fatigue. There is a link in Fibro 101 about these. I get mine at Puritan.com. They have great sales so the price is really very good. I don't have vested interest in this site but wanted to share that because the prices are good.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. Don't hesitate to ask questions because we are here to help you. I hope to hear more from you soon and Merry Christmas!