Welcome, LivingLabs, and Merry Christmas! I'm so glad you found us and joined our family. We have wonderful members who love to help one another and, as a bonus, really do care about each other too. I think you will like it here.
I'm sorry we are meeting this way, also. Fibro can be pretty tough but do you know what? We are tougher! Once you find what helps you control the pain, you can have a full and enjoyable life in spite of this illness. I've had fibro for 24 years and have done amazing things in spite of it. Just keep a positive outlook, count your blessings, and live one day at a time. You'll be surprised all that you can accomplish!
It sounds like you have a very good doctor there. He's checking you to rule out other illnesses that have many of the same symptoms as fibro. That's good. Cymbalta is one of the favored medications for fibro, too, along with Lyrica and Savella. I personally don't use these but many on the forum do.
I used ibuprofen with food for years but recently had to stop because I got the dreaded bleeding ulcers. I still take extra strength Tylenol, vitamin D3, and malic acid/magnesium supplements. The vitamin D3 and malic acid/magnesium supplements have helped quite a few on this forum with pain and fatigue. You might want to give that a try, too. They sure help me. Always check with your doctor or pharmacist first to make sure this doesn't interact with any medications you are taking.
It's important to keep moving with fibro. If you sit or lay too long, you will be stiff as a board and have more pain. I do gentle stretching exercises, a daily gentle exercise (I walk and/or swim. Yoga is another good exercise for fibro.), gentle massages, moist heat, and pacing myself. Everything gets done but in a different time frame. All of these plus the vitamins, supplements, and medication helps keep me in control of the pain.
Be sure to check out Fibro 101...the second thread on the forum. There are links to good information about fibro and you will learn a lot there. Good starting links are called Symptoms, What Else Could It Be, and A Thorough Explanation of Fibromyalgia. You just might see yourself there. There are also links about vitamin D3 and malic acid/magnesium supplements and how these work in your body. Also, there is a link to the gentle stretching exercises I mentioned. These can be done sitting down so if you have a desk job, you can sneak these in!
I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. Don't hesitate to ask questions because we are here to help you. Hope to hear more from you soon!