I know I have sleep apnea, probably from a deviated septum that I have, but am not doing anything about it. My choice. I couldn't sleep with a CPAP running and I do get enough rest. I personally don't think this affects the fibro that much that I'm willing to go the next route.
My cousin tried Savella and the side affects were horrible so she stopped taking it. about a year later she decided to try this again and she now only takes 10 mg a day and it is helping her without all the side affects. So, you might ask about backing down..instead of up..to see it that would work for you. Remember, we usually are quite sensitive to medications and I think many are given far too much stuff and our bodies are reacting to it.
If I ever decided to try Savella, I would take no more than 10 mg to start with. I personally would stay on that dose unless I needed a little more. You can work up slowly, too, and that gives your body a chance to adjust. You might find a much lower dose does a great job. Keep in mind, though, I'm a doctor's nighmare! I will only do what I feel is best for me. I check everything out.