Good morning! I woke up early, turned over in bed, and immediately got slammed with the kind of pain that makes your eyes pop
open and bad things fly out of your mouth!
Could not find a comfortable position so I got up. Now at least I can function (after taking a whole Tramadol, something I almost never do.)
My back's been bad lately, and I've been to the chiropractor twice this week. Now it's worse than ever. This guy does not listen; if you try to talk to him for 30 seconds, you see his eyes glaze over. His wife used to adjust me, but now she's at home with their baby and I'm left with this big, strong man pushing on my sacroiliac. He wants you in and out in 2 minutes or less, just doing the same thing every time.
Time for a new chiro.
Debbie the Delicate