To many side effects to name - 40.0% - 4 votes
A few side effects - 50.0% - 5 votes
No side effects - 10.0% - 1 votes
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Joined : Jul 2005
Posts : 229
Posted 5/12/2014 4:54 PM (GMT 0)
I am still on the Savella, I was increased to 25 mg., 2 x per day. My Rheumy believes in starting you off slow, she began me out at 12,5 mg increments for 3 weeks each until I reached my dosage. In the beginning I believe it gave me energy, loss a pound or two, less pain and went into remission for a while but around the same time I changed my entire eating habits too. I had cut out ALL dairy, oils, grains, and starches - basically I ate fresh fruit, veggies, and lean meats. I was on an yeast free, anti- flammatory diet and didn't realize it! I was really feeling okay. Still had pain but could deal with it.
I am in a flare now with pain, nausea, hot flashes, IC, Diverticulitis, neuropathy and IBS. I have been wondering if it was the Savella due to I just began taking 50mg about 4-5 mos ago. Hoping not.
I find it is important to stay hydrated, drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day, cut out the sugar it causes inflammation. Stretch - get your Dr. To prescribe PT for you they will- it helps. We have to move the right way to get well! I am saying while I am curled up with my blanket😁! I have been going to physical therapy on and off since August!! It helps they know what to do. We have to share and cheerlead one another!
Always check with your Dr. because remember you are special and uniquely made!!
Be blessed,
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Posted 5/14/2014 1:48 AM (GMT 0)
I decided to start up the Savella again…I need to feel better. It is already helping with pain and I am on day 6, titrating up still over 2 weeks.
So far, no problems at all. Still hoping someone with positve experience is out there and will post.
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Posted 5/15/2014 12:49 AM (GMT 0)
thank you TeeB for posting. Sorry to hear you are in a flare. Hope it passes quickly.
Let me know how you are making out.
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Posted 5/15/2014 1:25 AM (GMT 0)
I did a trial of Savella last year. I saw no difference at all in symptoms - no side effects to speak of, but no positives either. Lyrica worked okay for pain, but it made me so dizzy and nauseated that I had to take Dramamine just to get off the couch. I took Cymbalta for a while (60 mg) and it helped, but then it "pooped out" on me after about 5 months, and when we increased the dose, it made me extremely jittery and anxious and worsened my sleep issues. So we tried amitriptyline (10 mg) and there was some improvement -- maybe 10-15% (but every bit helps). If I take 20 mg, it makes me too sleepy the next day, so we settled on 10.
It's so funny how individualized taking medication is!
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Posted 5/15/2014 11:07 PM (GMT 0)
ilsegrrl, how interesting. Your comment about how individualized taking meds is is so true. They Cympalta pooped out on me too in less than a year. My first stint with Savella lasted more than 2 years before it pooped out. Now I am titrating toward a normal dose of Savella, and am at half potency and it is already helping the pain. I see about 30-35 % improvement. Hoping it lasts and even gets better on full strength. The odd thing is that almost every comment on this forum about Savella has been negative. Gives me pause.
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Posted 5/16/2014 1:29 AM (GMT 0)
Hi Heart! I am happy to hear that the Savella is helping you out thus far I hope it continues!! I have had my 7 yr old grand daughter home sick with a fever and basically complaining of just being sleepy. Yesterday I didn't take my Vimovo and I ran a temp of 101 so on top of the flare I am fighting the same bug the grand baby has.
The Rheumy called and said if not better in three weeks she will increase the Arava back to daily 10 mg. if blood work is okay and still not better than she will put me back on the biologics- Humira injections. I am praying that I get out of this flare so I don't have to go back on the biologics.
I think the Savella has helped with the pain I am up and MOVING better just still in a lot of pain! Just wondering about the side effects that I am having if it is causing them.
Be blessed!
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Joined : Feb 2014
Posts : 400
Posted 5/17/2014 1:55 AM (GMT 0)
Thanks for posting, Tee. Maybe we can keep in touch on this thread named "Savella" so we can know how it is affecting each other. I don't seem to have any side effects, except my hot flashes seem a bit worse, but who knows if they would have gotten worse anyway.
May you be blessed.