First, Welcome Back! Secondly, I have Fibro and I've been given Lyrica 2x, by 2 different drs. The 1st one gave me 25mg per day, it did nothing. The 2nd dr gave me 100mg 2x per day. I had such severe headaches, I couldn't live w/ the pain. It was like a migraine, which I had had before. Thank you, not again. My dr told me that the Lyrica was NOT responsible for the headaches. I said I didn't have the headache till I took the med. I looked up the info sheet for the med, yep, headaches are a side effect.
On the other hand, my DH has neuropathy - among other things. He was dx w/ plantar fasciitis, first by me (I had this several yrs ago) and later his foot dr. The dr put him on Lyrica 100mg 3x per day. He is now able to walk w/o too much pain. The difference has been very noticeable.
I really don't like the way the dr said you were at the end of your road and you would have to live w/ your pain. Is there a chance you might want to change your dr? Then you have the rheumy who doesn't believe in Fibro. You need drs who believe in what is happening in your life. Neither seems to be too supportive. I realize your health issues are not run of the mill, but neither one seems to want to put the ol' brain to good use and at least read a current medical journal. Lazy, at best.
I'm glad that the Humira is helping w/ the Crohn's, that is a blessing.
I wish you luck.
God bless. Alice.