None of us enjoy pain...and it has been a long time for many to even remember a day without it.
The "everyday pain" is the aches and pains we feel on a daily basis. It is our "normal pain." We get through our days doing what we can to live like anyone else...we all know that it takes alot more effort on our part than someone who does not have to deal with fibro.
Each day our pain levels may fluctuate and still we go on doing what we can to distract the pain and live our lives. I find the days that I am having horrible flare pain are the days I really am appreciative of the "everyday pain."
It may sound strange to say I appreciate the "everyday pain", but I do, only because I know how horrible flare pain can be. Any day that I'm not flaring is a wonderful day...I know it can get alot worse.
Does this make sense to you...or am I crazy?
Hugs, Robin