So you find out you have a chronic pain condition where there is no cure and the meds you're prescribed usually cause other problems or don't help. What do you do....we're forced to deal with it....and you do learn to.
You may not be happy about it but you learn to accept it and deal with it. It is not easy but what other options are there? This may not be the life you were planning but it's the life you've got...and like it or not we have to deal with it.
It was difficult to get used to the fact that I was achy and tired even on my " good "days...but I'll take the everyday pain over the flare pain anyday.
Life does change...initially I was an emotional mess. I really mourned the loss of my good health...I was in denial and disbelief...was angry and sad. Eventually accepting facts, I started to do what I could to help myself.
Fibro taught me...take nothing for granted. Be grateful for everything you do have. Do what you can to make your life the best it can be in spite of pain.
I think the way we think about ourselves has some I try to think positive thoughts. Even though we may hurt daily having an identity beyond pain is important. Keeping busy doing the things I enjoy does distract my pain...sure there are things I'm no longer able to do but finding other things to replace them has brought me a lot of satisfaction.
Changing the way I think has helped me deal with my "stuff". If I think I can still be happy in spite of pain, I have more chances of being happy. My "stuff" is all a part of who I am now. I may not have the same life I had before, but it is the only life I've got...and I want it to be happy...and I blessed because more than not, I am.
Hugs, Robin
PS...Be kind and encouraging to are worth it