Posted 5/17/2012 11:28 PM (GMT 0)
I cant find my last post so I will repost. Having been a healthy female up until almost 2 years ago I am now ready to just shoot myself. In July 2010 I was simply in my car and all of a sudden I couldnt breathe, I had a really bad burning sensation in my throat and my chest oh Lord the chestv pains were awful. I drove myself to the er had a cardiac work up, ekg and chest x ray everything checked out fine. This continued on for the next few days. Made an appt with a cardiologist had another set of cardiac enzymes, and ekg done all came back fine. Went back for a stress echo and it was perfect so cardio dr referred me to a GI specialist because he thought it was heartburn. To make a long story short I was put on carrafate(sp?), donnatol, nexium and prevacid which none of these helped. Upper endoscopy showed nothing. Had HIDA scan which showed my gall bladder functioning at 0%. Had gb removed and now on top of the chest pain I know have rib< back and neck pain. I have had 11 sets of cardiac enzymes, 17 ekg's, numerous chest x rays, MRI to rule out MS, barium swallow, seen pain management, chiropractor, orthopaedic, physical therapy all of which have not helped. im so sick of this burning, stabbing, throbbing pain I dont know what to do. Massage therapy helped for about a day. I have blurred vision sometimes, I feel like I am going to pass out, I am so tired, dizziness, pain in shoulders, jaw, neck annd back, hips and sometimes my legs. I can be sitting and watching tv and the spasms omg the muscle spasms will appear anywhere I can actually see them as well as feel them. I feel like I have fibromyalgia but the problem is finding a dr that will listen. I am currently taking vitamin d3 5000 units daily because my levels were at 13.1 and b12 injection once monthly because that reading was 119. I refuse to take anything stronger for pain other than motrin until I have a diagnosis.