Hello! It's been awhile since I've been on here....I've has some interesting turn of events....I've just recently found out that I'm pregnant. Not sure how far along yet due to I don't remember when my last period was. The reason for that is because I had an iud called paraguard and I was told by my Dr I was good for 10 years! Lord knows didn't need to get Prego already have 5 kids! There is less than a 1% chance of getting pregnant on it and it had to b me after 2 years of it working! I had iud removed but there is more risks of tubal or miscarriages when you have iud. So far blood tests are good so just a waiting game Dr said....anyways I was wondering if anyone has had a pregnancy with fibro. This is my first pregnancy since being diagnosed and it is so different than my other pregnancies. I feel like I've been hit by a train...like I've had every ounce of energy knocked out of me. I have to take multiple maps a day and am still tired! Is this due to the fibro? Any info would be great!