Thanks Meg and Souad and Deepwell for your comments and ideas, I appreciate your suggestions and sharing.
I think the Magnesium is a good idea, I may give that a try too. I don't think I'm ready for a full on elimination diet, hard-core style. It's been 5 days now avoiding wheat and gluten, and most sugar. I admit I did drink some alcohol on the weekend though. But last night, although I had a hard time falling asleep (which is unusual for me actually, but I had something on my mind keeping me up), once I did fall asleep, I actually felt like I slept a lot better than I have in ages. I woke up feeling a bit more rested, and felt more alert
a couple of times in the day today! So even though it was a shorter sleep of 6 hours, I think it was better quality sleep than my usual 8 to 9 hours filled with alpha intrusions. I hope this isn't just a fluke and maybe this will help in the long term. If it does, even though I kind of miss some of the treats and bread I was used to eating, it is worth giving it up to get my sleep and energy back... and hey, maybe if I sleep better, maybe some of my joint issues will resolve better too. We'll see... I'll post again later in the week and let you know if it's continuing to help.
Oh and no I haven't checked my platelets, never thought to ask that and my doc never suggested it. I will consider it at my next check up!
Stay well all,