Tomorrow my family has planed a trip the the aquarium. I really want to go. I've been face down on the couch for most of the past two days and am going completely stirr crazy, but I'm really afraid to go. Not only has my fibro decided to beat me up again after three days of near normalness,but something is wrong with my lungs. It started with my right lung side hurting(i had surgery on that side for a collapsed lung so its stapled to my ribs) and now it hurts down the center. It's an all too familliar pain. It's very similiar to when my lung collapsed. I was hoping it was all in my head as it started around the time when my mother told me of her breathing problems though it has done anything,but stop. It's gotten worse. It might be my asthma because I have a ton of allergy problems going on, but that might be wishful thinking as I've only had two asthma attacks my entire life.
Should I risk it and go? I know I have to call the dr tomorrow and tell him what is going on,but they want to leave before the office is even open! I'm really torn. I have a feeling if the pain is there in the morning my body will have decided for me. My family is going to be really upset with me,but I'm terrified that I might even be in the er tomorrow. I could really use a break from all this crazy health stuff I feel like I call my dr more than my family or friends lately.