Hi, Sandycub, and welcome! I use a board certified Internist and a board certified Rheumatologist. I don't take all the heavy duty meds you take so this is not a problem. Both are quite capable, though. When I was having more pain than usual, my Internist sent me to the Rheumatologist and I discovered I had more than fibro going on that was causing the extra pain.
I use ibuprofen with food, extra strength Tylenol, malic acid/magnesium supplements, vitamin D3 supplements and an alternative pain relievers called Curamin to help with pain and fatigue. I do take one prescription call Robaxin...it's a muscle relaxer.
I also do daily gentle stretching exercises, I do a daily exercise...I walk for a half an hour, at least, daily, and I pace myself when doing things. Moist heat helps me with a flare so I take hot showers and use a Bed Buddy. These can be found at Walgreen's and other places.
I also keep a positive outlook and look forward to each new day with anticipation because it could be a good one. Fibro will wax and wane.
Be sure to read Fibro 101...the first thread on the forum. There are links to good info about fibro and you will learn a lot there. There are links about the supplements I mentioned and how they work in your body. They could help you, too, but what works for one doesn't necessarily work for another with fibro. It's a trial and error process until you find what really helps you control the pain.
I just like to go the more natural route and I found this worked for me. These supplements have helped others on the forum too.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. Don't hesitate to ask questions because we are here to help you. Hope to hear more from you soon.